Past Lives - Expat Cinema Rotterdam

Celine Song

Miss seeing international films because you can’t yet keep up with the Dutch subtitles? Want to meet fellow expats and new Dutch folks? Love cinema? Then this is the event for you! Curated international films with English subtitles and networking drinks. Join Expat Cinema Rotterdam for the best international art house cinema with English subtitles and networking drinks afterwards.

Nora (Greta Lee) and Hae Sung (Teo Yoo), two deeply connected childhood friends, are torn apart when Nora’s family emigrates to Canada from South Korea. Twelve years later, Nora is studying in New York and the two find each other again through the Internet. They fantasize about a reunion, but distance dilutes contact. Another twelve years later, Nora is now married and is reunited with her childhood sweetheart during an all-important week when he visits her in New York.

In her debut film, playwright Celine Song explores notions of fate, love, and the fine line between the life we live and life how it could have been. Past Lives thus became the big surprise of the Berlin and Sundance film festivals earlier this year.

Deze voorstelling heeft al plaatsgevonden
  • filmspecial
Engels, Koreaans gesproken
Engels ondertiteld
12 Drugs- en/of alcoholmisbruik Grof taalgebruik

Miss seeing international films because you can’t yet keep up with the Dutch subtitles? Want to meet fellow expats and new Dutch folks? Love cinema? Then this is the event for you! Curated international films with English subtitles and networking drinks. Join Expat Cinema Rotterdam for the best international art house cinema with English subtitles and networking drinks afterwards.

Nora (Greta Lee) and Hae Sung (Teo Yoo), two deeply connected childhood friends, are torn apart when Nora’s family emigrates to Canada from South Korea. Twelve years later, Nora is studying in New York and the two find each other again through the Internet. They fantasize about a reunion, but distance dilutes contact. Another twelve years later, Nora is now married and is reunited with her childhood sweetheart during an all-important week when he visits her in New York.

In her debut film, playwright Celine Song explores notions of fate, love, and the fine line between the life we live and life how it could have been. Past Lives thus became the big surprise of the Berlin and Sundance film festivals earlier this year.